I got the pictures that HOUSE committee when to KTV on Monday, 28 July. As we had to celebrate WeiLong birthday and he love to sing songs. So we went to International Building Party World.
Here are some of the photos we took:
House Com, but not all. What am I doing? Wei Ting and me laughing at something.hahas.. can't remember.
Alvin and me
The House Com, but not all again (formal)
Today, I was so angry till I was unable to concentrate. Why? As I think there are lots of selfish people in the world. When you know there is a mistake or there's something wrong and yet they kept quiet it is really selfish. If you are selfish, people will really hate you.
So what really happen today. I was asking my friend about work and yet he gave me the wrong answer. Is okay I don't blame him/her. But when he/she knows that he/she make a mistake in work and yet kept quiet. I was really angry because when i almost completed my work then I realised that I do wrongly and I totally very angry. Why just say out you make a mistake?
So I learn a mistake by not going to trust anyone when doing work. If really can't understand then shall ask the teacher because teacher will teach and make you more understand not like the others. Just totally no mood to study after I know I did wrongly for my work and now have to RE-DO the whole question again.